We are in the process of building an evidence-based healthy cooking program.
Stay tuned. More to come...
Top-rated gastroenterologist, digestive expert
Top educator on nutrition and physiology
Diane Bai, MD
Healthy eating using delicious LazySauces & LazySpices for vegetables
The revolutionary Baiology Smart Cooking™ system
We have successfully changed the lives of many!
Fall in love with
Fiber First Diet™
Smart Cooking™
Revolutionary NEW approach to cooking
Smart Cooking™ Algorithm helps you CREATE thousands of quick healthy recipes, with a few clicks
A.I. makes healthy EASY. More time to ENJOY life
Designed for BUSY people
Healthy cooking is FUN and spontaneous. No meal prep
AFFORDABLE. Buy your own FRESH ingredients
Knowledge is power. Understand the truth about food
What to eat?
No food exclusion. No calorie counting
Learn the most physiologic diet to a better health
Double your own body-specific probiotics
When to eat?
Control your hunger and metabolic hormones
BaiologyMD™ Program
Reprogram your metabolic hormones
Habit transformation
No food restriction
Sustainable weight loss
Combine all the flavors in one perfect LazySauce
Make one-step cooking super yummy
Healthy cooking made easy
Combine all the spices in one perfect LazySpice
Make one-step cooking super yummy
Healthy cooking made easy
How to power up your rice to help you lose weight? Use our proprietary PowerRice™ formulation. More satiating with fewer calories. Taste test 10/10!
Support each other
on this journey to health
Cooking with Dr. Bai
Fun interactive cooking with Dr. Bai
Health and nutrition Q&A
Keep moving made easy
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
15 minutes a day does MAGIC for the body